Home » Oklahoma City Indian Clinic receives a charitable donation to its new resource center from Bank of America
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Oklahoma City Indian Clinic receives a charitable donation to its new resource center from Bank of America

Since its grand opening in April 2023, Oklahoma City Indian Clinic Bank of America Native Resource & Nutrition Center has hosted several impactful initiatives. The center’s most recent accomplishment was the Warm and Fuzzy Coat Drive, which provided over 150 children with coats ensuring a warm winter season.

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, a nonprofit clinic dedicated to providing health and wellness services to American Indians in central Oklahoma, celebrates its continued partnership with Bank of America. Employees from both organizations collaborated across the Oklahoma City metro to donate clothing, shoes, and personal hygiene products to the recently opened Oklahoma City Indian Clinic Bank of America Native Resource & Nutrition Center.

“The achievements made possible by our resource center would not have happened without our ongoing partnership with Bank of America,” Robyn Sunday-Allen said, OKCIC’s CEO. “Their support plays an instrumental role in facilitating the vital connection between Oklahoma City Indian Clinic patients and the essential resources they need.”

Source : Phoenix
