Home » Delaware ranked #1 in the nation for hospital maternity practices
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Delaware ranked #1 in the nation for hospital maternity practices

“Delaware hospitals are committed to providing the highest quality infant and maternity care,” Brian Frazee, president and chief executive officer of the Delaware Healthcare Association, said in a statement. “We are proud to be first in the nation for the quality of care that Delaware hospitals provide to birthing individuals and their babies.”

“Delaware hospital maternal health leaders meet regularly to discuss strategies to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies in Delaware. This collaboration, known as the Delaware Perinatal Quality Collaborative, will continue to work to ensure that mothers and babies in Delaware receive the best care possible,” Dr. Garrett Colmorgen, chair of the Delaware Perinatal Quality Collaborative, said.

The America’s Health Rankings “2023 Health of Women and Children Report” analyzes data using 122 measures from 34 distinct data sources. The hospital maternity practices ranking is based on the Centers for Disease and Prevention’s Maternity Practices in Infant and Nutrition Care (mPINC) survey score. That score is based on birth facility policies and practices regarding maternity care.

Source : DBT
