The city of Myrtle Beach says double red flags have been posted along the beaches Friday, which means no one is allowed in the ocean.
The reason is weather.
Heavy rain and high wind gusts are expected this weekend.
The city says its ocean rescue equipment and first responders will be staged throughout the city.
An emergency manager with the city said conditions will determine when the double flags will come down.
Officials are asking property owners in the area to secure all outdoor furniture and smaller items that can be dispersed due to wind gusts.
Flash flooding poses a serious threat and drivers are reminded to “turn around, don’t drown.”
From the City of Myrtle Beach website:
- A double red flag means the water is closed to the public; no swimming is allowed.
- A single red flag indicates hazardous conditions, such as strong waves or currents.
- Medium hazards are indicated by a yellow flag, while a green flag shows that conditions are generally good.
- A blue flag indicates dangerous marine life, such as a high number of jellyfish.
Source: wyff4